
´Life is a Blessing´ – Spirituality in the Parasha: Shelach – The Lady and the Tzitzit
14 ביוני 2012 |
The Talmud tells the tale of the yeshiva student who was overcome with desire to meet a certain illustrious prostitute. He sends a large sum of money in advance and goes on a long journey to meet her. Ultimately arrives, but right before sinning, his Tzitzit slap him in the face, bringing him back to his senses. In the continuation of the story we discover that the hero is not the student but rather the lady who as a result of the meeting ultimately embarks on a journey of her own. The structure of the Talmudic story parallels the structure of the verses about Tzitzit which appear in Parshat Shelach. This story also illuminates the approach of the Ba’al Shem Tov towards the Yetsar.
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For further information about this project or to sponsor a shiur please contact Mickey Flaumenhaft at call +972-52-853-1188 or E-mail mickeyf@otniel.org.
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